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Are you listening?

Not just to me bang on about marketing & business!

I mean are you actively listening?  With all the energy it takes to give the person talking your utmost attention? Acknowledging that you have heard what they are saying in some way that makes them feel your genuine attention?

Are you someone who interrupts? Do you spend the time another person is talking putting your next sentence together – cant wait for them to finish because you have got something to say?

I’m really passionate about this for two reasons.  Firstly, because I actually discovered after the age of 30 – seriously – that I was not always practicing ‘active listening’.  Although I do naturally love to listen to people, and I think people must sense this because I am definitely one of those people who others open their hearts and minds to – with or without an invitation!  I have to admit I did sometimes formulate my opinions while someone was talking and just wait for them to finish so I could speak, and not really hear much of what they had said.  How much had I missed out on by then?!

Secondly, because I am astounded by how many people I know in both my business and personal life who have no idea what it means to really listen to someone.  Their own words are just more important than others, they don’t hear what you are saying, even when you are sitting across the table from them and you are the only person in the room.

If you practice active listening you are being a better person, it will benefit you and the people you talk to.  You will grow from this experience.  Don’t ever interrupt. Don’t be so distracted that you cant even remember what they are saying.

To get a bit formal, just to be sure you know what I am talking about, Wikipedia describes Active Listening as:

“…a communication technique that requires the listener to feed back what they hear to the speaker, by way of re-stating or paraphrasing what they have heard in their own words, to confirm what they have heard and moreover, to confirm the understanding of both parties.

When interacting, people often “wait to speak” rather than listening attentively. They might also be distracted. Active listening is a structured way of listening and responding to others, focusing attention on the “function” of communicating objectively as opposed to focusing on “forms”, passive expression or subjectivity.”

Why is this important for me to write about on my marketing blog?

Because listening in an incredibly important skill that you need to develop for your business.  On so many levels.

If you are not listening to what people are saying about you, your brand, your product, or your service then how much are you missing out on?  How much more could you give you clients or your customers?  what kid of super special offers could you provide that would delight your ideal customer?  Could you be charging more than you are? Could you improve what you do?  The list, of course, is endless.

I just want you to think about practicing active listening as often as possible, consciously deciding to particpate more in your conversations, and see how different the experience is.  For you and your friends, colleagues, clients, family – everyone deserves this kind of attention after all don’t they?

Do you already do this? Do you not? I’d love to hear from you – and I will listen.

Thanks for reading lovelies.

I appreciate it,


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