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Fear & loathing?

Well, let’s face it, Melbourne isn’t exactly Las Vegas so I’m not really fear & loathing!

Fear and daring is more where I am at right now.  It is such a funny little beast, fear, isn’t it?  I was recently struck with a reminder of how paralysing it can be when you can feel this little thing tapping you on the shoulder whispering in your ear “What do you think you’re doing? This isn’t going to work”.  Wow powerful beast you certainly did make me stop and think.

Even though I know with all my being, and tell people this often, that the feeling of fear is pretty much a sign that you should keep on going and that you are going to break through some barriers if you can quiet the beast.  It’s not alwasy easy to practice what you preach right? But I am, right now, I totally am.

The reason this is creeping into my life at the moment is that I am transitioning out of the comfort of a full-time project into my focus back on entreprenuers and micro-business owners.  And I am so happy to be doing this, seriously excited and full of hope.  I believe wholeheartedly that this is the right thing for me to be doing not only for me, but for my family.

I know that in 12 months time I will look back on this time and thank god I kept on moving forward, that I didnt get tempted to give up on my dream.  Because then I will be living my dream.  Working hard in my own business, with my own awesome clients, and helping them achieve their dreams.  And at the same time, with three little people and a busy husband, I will have the flexibility I need in my life to actively participate in the lives of my children.

It’s serendipitous the way things come into your life when you need them, and my recent experience listening to Dr Brene Brown speak, and reading her book ‘Daring Greatly’ has been such a sign for me.  Brene’s philosophy is all about stepping into the arena – if you are not in the arena then you are not going to lose but you certainly won’t win either!

I am stepping into the arena right now, and I know there is a chance that I’ll be knocked over at some stage but I know there is a greater chance that I will be the one with my arm held in the air as the winner – in my life at least!  Are you stepping in or out of the arena right now.

I’m sharing this here now in case any of you are experiencing the same feelings – so you know you are are not alone.

As always, thanks so much for reading, I appreciate your time.

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