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I didn’t give birth to my brain

I’m still an intelligent person with a hell of a lot to offer in this marketing and business world.  When I had my three children I gave birth to three little miracles that I am so grateful to have in my life – but I didn’t give birth to my brain!

I’m writing this because I know I’m not the only mum of young children who has started to doubt her ability just because she has had a brief time away from the world she has spent years and years working in.  Or the only one who thought for a minute that my MBA had somehow become irrelevant because I had spent an oh so brief time as full time mum.

I admit, there were some people on my return to work who may have contributed to this questioning myself, but really it was still my thing.  Once I had actually spent some time back in this space I could take great comfort in looking around me and knowing that I still knew, I still got it, and I still cared enough to want to keep it up.

Not only that – and this is the best part – I had a whole new perspective. A whole new way of seeing, of understanding and of developing empathy – for customers, for co-workers, for leaders, for team members.  Brilliant!

The value I can bring to the workforce hasn’t declined at all it has increased dramatically – I can’t believe I didn’t realise this sooner!

No matter how you chose to return to the workforce please don’t doubt that you still have something worth giving, that you are really valuable, that you are totally worth it.  Don’t let anyone tell you you should accept less than what you deserve because you have been on maternity leave – in fact, you know what, tell them the day will come when they realise how inappropriate it was to say that to a new mum.

And of course, if you are a mum or dad reading this you know what the best bit about all of this is don’t you?  Coming home to the little miracle that gave you a whole new and improved perspective on things, every day.

Celebrate the new improved you and get back out there and kick some butt, you’ll get your groove back in a flash!

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