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19 Questions to diagnose what kind of Coach you need

do more of what makes you awesome

(Pinterest : Lisa GT)

Sometimes when you are working in your business, on your own, you know there is more that you can be doing.  You know that you are ready to move it on up to the next level. Things have been good but it’s time to seriously take things to the new heights.

It’s not always easy to know where to start with this and that’s when you might be ready to look for help from an expert.  But you could be wondering exactly what kind of help do I need?

Am I doing fine at the business side of things but just feel like there is something inside me holding me back?

Or could the opposite be true? That you are loving the flow of your work but the business side of things is just getting you down and stopping you from moving forward.

Here is a list of questions that will help you work out if what you need is a business or marketing coach; or maybe it’s really all about what a life coach can provide you with.

  1. If there is one thing you are putting off doing every single day what is it?
  2. Is there a marketing calendar that’s been waiting for completion for months that you cant stand the sight of?
  3. Is it writing a blog post? Sending out a newsletter? Staying active on social media?
  4. Is it just that you need some clarity on what the right next steps are for your business?
  5. Should you be redefining what you do?
  6. Should you be focusing on new customers?
  7. Should you be selling more online?
  8. Could you take your offline business offline into a bricks and mortar space?
  9. How can you build your business through collaboration with other people?
  10. How can I focus on my finances more to ensure I am maximizing my cash flow opportunities?
  11. I feel like I’m not charging enough but I’m not really sure how do I know?
  12. When you wake up in the morning how do you feel about starting your working day? Energised, bored, anxious, excited, overwhelmed?
  13. How do you want to feel – is there a gap between the two?
  14. Or do you find it hard to identify what is actually preventing you from taking this next step?
  15. Do you have thoughts about what could go wrong?
  16. Are you worried about offending people in your life by amplifying your own success?
  17. Do you feel like you are stumbling over something you can’t quite put your finger on?  Like there is a wall in front of you that is too difficult for you to climb over?
  18. You know there is something bigger and better but you are scared to even think about the possibility?
  19. Do you have fears about the future that are really keeping you stuck?


As you have probably worked out the first 11 questions are really leading you in the direction of a business and marketing coach and the last 8 are far more relevant to a life coach.

If you can spend the time to answer these questions you will much closer to being able to identify what part of you needs to be supported and nurtured right now to break through to the next exciting stage in your business.

Perhaps you have answered yes to some of each type of question.  If this is the case you need to find a business coach that is able to support you through some of the more personal blocks or sabotages you are experiencing too.

It’s important to understand your real needs in order for you to find the perfect person for you and your business.  And when you find someone you think might be a good fit before you commit to any long term coaching be sure to have a discovery session that is about seeing if you are the right fit for each other on a personal level – super important if this person is going to make you feel supported the way you deserve to be.

AND so you too can do more of what makes you awesome.

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