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Why having a Business Coach is such a smart idea

smartest person quote

When I tell people that I have a Business Coach, some look at me a bit confused and others go “yep, totally get it”.

You see for me, having my own wildly intelligent, successful and inspiring Business Coach means many things.  There is no doubt that she is a big part of keeping me headed in the right direction in my business – up!  But it’s so much more than that.

The other benefits may not always be so tangible. 

Like when I am undervaluing myself and not charging enough no one else is going to tell me to get over this are they?  Like, hell girl you have an MBA and 18 years experience in this game you are worth so much more than that.  Put a higher value on yourself – don’t question it, just know it, just do it for Gods sake.

Or, when I am having a bad month, things aren’t exactly flowing the way I would like, and my Inner Bitch sneaks in and takes over my mind.  With little bombs of “Kate, seriously, what are you doing?! It’d be so much more reliable to just go back to that corporate salary.  I just don’t know if you are cut out for this!  You are just not as good as her, that’s why she is so successful and your just not cutting the mustard right now.” Go away you Inner Mean Cow!  My Coach calls me on this shit – she doesn’t indulge my fears by saying well maybe you should be worried, she says “acknowledge it and move the hell on, do not let that stop you.  It’s perfectly normal”.  Breakdown averted!

And when I am just struggling with the day to day, for whatever reason, she is therefor me, with accountability and encouragement.  Teaching me how to work when I am not answerable to anyone but me – I’ve had a boss for a long time and now the buck stops with me.  Even at this stage of the game I can still learn more about the disciplines of business.  About how to stay focused.

When I have a big win, of course my husband is happy, my friends are supportive but no one knows how damn hard I have worked for this like my Business Coach does.  And she is genuinely almost as excited as me to celebrate my successes.  After all my success is her success isn’t it?

Helping me to keep on going when the road is bumpy when you are just starting out – that’s ok.  Reminding me that I am playing the long game, and everything I am doing might not be instantly rewarded financially but it will be in the end.  If I am committed, if I stay the course, I will absolutely succeed.  I am worth it.  This is worth it.

The other big one is this – I don’t know everything! I know, I shocked myself writing this!!!  Surrounding yourself with people who are smart, to support you in our business or even at work, is an intelligent thing to do.  I am grateful for everything she has taught me.  So grateful to be able to brainstorm with someone who I know, knows their stuff.  Two minds are totally better than one.  I trust that she shares with me every single secret she can impart about what she has already learnt in making her business a raving success.  This is stuff it could take me years to learn myself – sometimes the hard way.  I’m accelerating my success by working with her.

You see when you are in the thick of all these feelings and emotions that are such a big part of starting your own business, while you rationally might know most of this already, that can all go out the window.  You can lose things easily – focus, momentum, belief – all gone with one bad thought or one bad moment.  And let’s face it not many of us have someone who can just give us all this support in our lives – after all our family and friends have their own lives don’t they?  You need to be supported in this way when you have your own business.  And that’s exactly what a Business Coach is for.

Sure, I’ll be hitting my goal of matching my corporate salary within 12 months of starting my business, no doubt about it.  My Business Coach is unquestionably a part of that.  Having her on my team is what I would call one of my “non-negotiables” – a Critical Success Factor to help me achieve this.  But that’s not the most important reason.  Or why I think I am so damn clever to have a Business Coach! 😉

Thanks for reading,

Kate xo

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