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Give yourself a break

I wanted to talk to you about giving yourself a break.  

So many clients I work with are so hard on themselves when they don’t achieve what they set out to do.  This could be anything from tackling your to do list, creating more sales, building your email list, attracting more clients – the list is almost endless.

Yesterday I had a really average day.  It started with a ramped up version of the usual getting to school and kinder on time.  One didn’t want to go.  And that just about says it all.

By the time I got home to my desk I was shattered. That was at 9am.  I was exhausted, I was upset, and I was feeling like a shit mum and a crappy business chick.  Everything came down on me like a tonne of bricks and nothing was working no matter how hard I tried.

So, at 10am, I declared my very first sick day (well morning at least) of the year.  And I went back to bed. I closed my eyes and I woke up 2 hours later.  Man did I need that sleep.  Yes, I am so grateful that I could do that.  After that, the day got fractionally better but I knew I still needed an early night last night to try to move past the way I was feeling physically and emotionally.

Today, I feel so much better. I have more energy and I have more hope.  I am more positive and I am more capable.

I know that if I had pushed through yesterday the opposite would be true and I would still be sitting here struggling.

So many women I know just don’t give themselves the break or the time they need to recover, ever, and the effect is dramatic.

I would love for you to do this for yourself the very next time you are feeling, well, just not ok.  I know it’s not always possible, but please try.

You know what, the sun is shining so brightly today there is part of me that even thinks the weather has got my back right now I am feeling so damn good!

Take care of yourself!

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