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It’s OK to do it your way

When it comes to marketing and building a business it is ok to do it the way you want to. I talk to so many people – myself included – who feel so much pressure to do things the way everyone else is doing them.

Blogging, social media, webinars, e-courses – the list is long. She is doing this so I should too. This is how she got 10,000 people on her list. So I better do that. This is how she matched her corporate salary a week after she left her job so I should do that. I see so and so on social media every single day – sometimes all day – I really have to do that too.

Give yourself permission to do it your way.

Conversations I have had with people recently are about having a break from social media, about not wanting to write a weekly blog post, feeling like they have to create an ecourse, feeling like they are not succeeding because they haven’t reached that income goal they thought they would, “I know I have to do a webinar but I really don’t want to”.

I think so many people only see the pointy end of success and don’t realise that more often that not it takes people years to get to this point that they are now telling the world about. Good on them! And I totally think they should celebrate their successes but you have to be aware of their back story. How long has it really taken for them to reach that point? What work were they doing in the background building their tribe, writing their blog, working with clients all long before they left the safety net of their paid employment?

Naturally you are probably thinking right now but Kate, seriously, you are a marketing chick you know that consistency is key when it comes to your marketing and building you business. Yes – this is true! But what I really want you to know is that you have to find what works for you when it comes to your marketing. What works for you in terms of actually building your brand profile and your business revenue? What works for you personally in terms of it just feels good to do? You don’t have to be all over social media – just pick a couple that you like and go with them – and if the whole thing is driving you crazy just have a break from it. You don’t have to blog every week if this is seeing you tortured to the point of agony over the blog post you have to write – imagine the affect this would have on the way you write.

Remember this is your business, you have control, you are in the drivers seat and this is about creating something you love. Yes its hard work and yes there are times when it is tough and you do have to occasionally do things you don’t want to – but not often! Certainly not every day.

When it comes to marketing you have to find your own style, your own medium and your own voice. What works for someone else is not necessarily going to work for you.

Do it your way. If you love it, your clients will love it too. If you are hating it, well chances are it’s not going to be that appealing to anyone else either.

You have to show up, absolutely, but show up your way.

Kate xo

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