

Mindset Mastery. Marketing Prowess. Mastermind Support.



Do you desperately want your business to be successful, but you’re feeling overwhelmed by the work involved?

Maybe you have some clients, or a good-enough customer base, but you know you’re capable of achieving more.

Maybe you’re following the tried and tested steps, but something’s holding you back or you feel stuck.

Perhaps you’re seeking support, but confused about what’s the best investment for you right now.


In a perfect world, you’d have:

✔ Someone marketing your business like a pro

✔ Someone kicking your inner saboteurs to the curb

✔ A whole team of cheerleaders pumping you up


(That’d be nice. Because there’s only one of you!)


Yes, it’d be amazing if you could hire your own business strategist, life coach AND very own Mastermind to support your dream business.


Imagine that?

Well, that’s exactly what I did.


I’m Kate McCormack. And while that perfect world may be out of your reach, when it comes to your business success, I believe I’ve created the next best thing.

Because the painfully obvious problem here is that, especially when you’re starting out, you may not be able to hire a marketing strategist, as well as a life coach, and invest in an exclusive Mastermind program – at the same time.


I totally get that.


Which is why I created the Amplify You Group Coaching Intensive. To help you get the best of both worlds (or in this case, all three!).


But before I tell you how it works — here’s what you need to know about me.


When I went out on my own as a Marketing Coach, I thought I knew what it took to build a strong business. I mean, here I was, a successful Senior Marketing Manager and Business Strategist with an MBA under my belt. I knew my stuff and had attained great results for major brands both in Australia and internationally.


Yet when I first started building my business, I encountered hurdles that I didn’t expect. I hadn’t realized the true power of my mindset when it came to getting out of my own way! Since I wasn’t prepared to settle for anything less than my full potential, I decided to invest in myself (significantly).


In that process I worked with amazing coaches such as Tara Gentile, Julie Parker and Kate Byrne (to name a few). And at the same time that I was establishing myself as a marketing coach, I became a qualified Life Coach. My business started to flourish as I made the connection between marketing prowess and mindset mastery. Working through my internal stuff, I realized the amazing power that comes through mastering the marketing stuff as well as the internal blocks that subconsciously hold us back.


As I helped my clients, I witnessed the huge shifts that came for them through working on their mindset AND their marketing plan. I also discovered the crucial factor of having a strong support group behind you. I’m an extrovert, so working alone (as you often do as a consultant) was a challenge, and that’s why I drew on the power of masterminding to accelerate my growth.


Bottom line? When it comes to your business success there are three powers at play. These powers that truly amplify you are:


Mindset Mastery. Marketing Prowess. Mastermind Support.


When these powers combine you become a triple-threat. You no longer compete with those around you. Instead you enter a league of your own awesomeness. And that’s exactly what you get with this intensive.


Introducing Amplify You. It’s a 3-month Online Group Coaching Intensive that gets you out there, out of your own way, and making a real difference. Specifically, during this business marketing intensive you will:


Learn how to build a solid, sustainable marketing plan.

Learn the mindset strategies and techniques that help you break through hidden blocks and subconscious fears.

Access rich community support to increase your personal learning and amplify your brand.


Marketing. Mindset. Mastermind support.
3 worlds merge to make a world of difference to your business (and your life).


It includes:

✔Clarity Questionnaire

✔ Weekly group strategy sessions with MBA level Business Marketing Coach (that’s me!)

✔6 Marketing Lessons that show you exactly how to write your own marketing plan.

✔6 Mindset Lessons that will train your brain for business and personal success.

✔Practical, powerful action sheets that help you implement the knowledge for real results.

✔Access to a community of like-minded, passionate business owners who will support your growth.

✔ Private Facebook Group with personal feedback + support from me.



✔ Kate Erlenbusch from Word Love by Kate is my go to copywriting guru.  She is frankly a magician with words there is no other way to describe it.  I thought I was actually OK at writing but she just takes things to the next level. In her own words “I write marketing copy + web content for entrepreneurs who do rather excellent things for people (and the planet). Plus I’m on a mission to save the world from soulless sales tactics and corporate gobbledygook.”  Amazingly Kate is going to share some of her best secrets on how you too can take people on a journey with your words.  Something that is just so important for anyone who has their own business.  This girl is the bomb!

✔ Vari Longmuir from Buttercup Ink is the most gorgeous graphic designer I know.  She designed my logo and I still absolutely love it!  When it comes to visual marketing & branding she is a serious expert.  There is no one I would trust more.  Her passion and drive in design and in helping other freelancers has led her to build her own very successful design and mentoring business.  We will be privileged enough to have Vari also share some of her favourite ideas with you.  This girl totally rocks!

✔ Jenny Hassam from Rhetoric Communications is a freakin’ killer PR gun!  FYI this is exactly what you need in your PR person.  You might have seen me on Sky News recently (or potentially just heard me banging on about it!) well she did this for me and more.  I love PR people, their energy and skill always amazes me.  The secrets, tips and words of advice Jenny will share will help you become your very own media magnet.  This girl, well she is just a star!


The next 3-month intensive will run later in the year or early next year – stay tuned for updates on this.

Here’s what we’ll cover week by week:


Week One // Amplify Your Magic

✔ Discover what marketing is (and what is isn’t!)

✔ Uncover what mindset really means?

✔ Learn how your mindset + marketing join forces for maximum success.


Week Two // Building Your Brand

✔ Discover what branding means and why it’s so important.

✔ Get clear on your awesome brand.

✔ Design your unique Brand Blueprint.

✔ Learn how to create an amazing customer experience.


Week Three // The Big Leap

✔ Discover how to take The Big Leap in your business (and life)

✔ Get clear on about what you really want (and need) from and through your business.


Week Four // Ideal Customer

✔ Understand who your Ideal Customer really is.

✔ Learn about demographics + psychographics.

✔ Build an Ideal Customer Story that helps you attract the right people.


Week five // Action Time

✔ During this week you are supported to take action. Group Accountability will help you follow through on what you most need to do to move your business forward, now.


Week Six // Overcoming Resistance

✔ Learn about resistance and how it shows up for you.

✔ Learn specific strategies to help you move through it, quickly.


Week Seven // Positioning

✔ We break down how to set clear objectives and create strategies.

✔ Learn how to position yourself using the Blue Ocean Strategy.

✔ Work through the 5 P’s: Product, Pricing, Promotion, People & Distribution.

✔ Discover how to package up your products or services the right way.

✔ Learn how to launch (like you really mean it).


Week Eight // Marketing Communications

✔ Visual Marketing & Branding

✔ The fine art of copywriting

✔ Communications Planning


Week Nine // Take Action

✔ We seize a second opportunity to implement our knowledge.


Week Ten // Public Relations & Online Marketing

✔ Discover how to get your word out with PR & online marketing – including social media!


Week Eleven // All Systems Go!

✔ Learn the art of planning, so that you plan better and worry less.

✔ Set up systems that serve your sustainable business.

✔ Get clear on the financial stuff.

✔ Bring it all together so you can rock your business.


Week Twelve // Be a Support Magnet & Wrap Up

✔ We wrap up the progress you’ve made over the last 3 months.

✔ Discover how to continue building your support network.


The next 3-month intensive will run later in the year or early next year – stay tuned for updates on this.


Your total investment for this pilot round of Amplify You is $1,000 (or 3 payments of $400). 

Strictly limited places. (Because this isn’t an e-course, remember! It’s a group coaching experience with individual attention.)




As the creator of this intensive, I believe wholeheartedly in the value offered here. It’s the combination of your passion with my expert knowledge + support that will get you kicking goals.

But don’t just take my word for it. Here’s what past clients have to say about working with me:


Louise Glendon
Kate is fantastic!! I worked with Kate as one on one as my Business Coach for 6 months and I saw huge success and growth in my business!  Kate has such a great marketing mind, and was able to get to the real heart and essence of my brand and help me develop communication strategies that felt beautifully aligned with my business, and my message!
Through 6 months we focused on both small increments and big picture plans to help my business follow a defined path for development and success and I loved having her as a cheerleader as she held me accountable through times of implementation.
I would definitely recommend Kate as a business and marketing coach to anyone who's looking to take the next step in up-leveling their business.  So excited and grateful to have worked with someone so lovely, fun and supportive!

Louise Glendon, Photographer, Click Love Grow


Renee Bell

Marketing is something I have always left to chance, just doing "random" things when I felt like with with no real plan, or analysis of what worked and what didn't.

Working with Kate over the last three months has been amazing - I now feel empowered to market my new ideas and products myself with a tailored plan and excited (+ a whole lot less stressed) about launching my new services in the coming months.  Although sometimes the illusion is that it is easier to simply pay someone to handle your marketing, working with Kate has helped me realise that the true power is in being able to do this yourself, and tweak things along the way, rather than relying on someone else to do it all.  Thank you Kate, your knowledge re business and marketing strategy is incredibly refreshing, and I loved working with you!

Renee Bell, Owner, Photographer, Little Girls With Great Big Dreams


Amplify You is PERFECT for you, if:

  • You already have a business, even if it is in the very early stages.
  • You’re in the first 12 – 24 months of your business and you are ready to get serious about it.
  • You’ve got a website and have worked with some clients or customers but you haven’t been able to do much more beyond that.
  • You want to create a sustainable business that you can be serious about.
  • You know your passion and you know what possibility lies ahead.
  • You’re prepared to do the work.
  • You can’t decide between joining a mastermind, working with a coach 1:1 or group coaching experience (because you want it all and can’t decide!).


And, because I’m not interested in making false promises, let’s be clear that Amplify You is not the best choice if:

  • You’re still at the dreaming stage of business (no ABN or paying clients yet).
  • You’re not clear on what business you’re in.
  • You’re already kicking goals and ready to significantly up-level (my Premium 1:1 coaching may be a better option for you & you can read all about that right here).


Amplify You is not another e-course. It’s a group coaching experience, with 1:1 feedback, a killer community and loads of goodies.


Your total investment for this pilot round of Amplify You is $1,000 (or 3 payments of $400). 

If you are hesitating, think about this, what will your business (& your life) look like in a year if you don’t do this?




Is there a money-back guarantee?

I’m so passionate about how Amplify You can help you, that I’ve created a personal guarantee. You see, this intensive requires commitment from you. If you don’t take action, you’ll still get a lot out of it, but not the full benefit I believe you deserve. So if, after the first coaching call, you feel you are not ready for the program I will give you a 100% refund. Once we move into the second week, however, there is no going back. We are all in, and that includes you!


If you’re wondering if you’re ready to invest at this stage of your business, let me give you the honest truth: successful business people are always investing in themselves, in some way. This group coaching intensive is currently the most affordable way to work with me, so it’s the wisest choice if you are in the first 12 – 24 months of business.


If you want to get out of your own way, get yourself out their and get super-clear on your marketing strategy, this intensive is the way to go.


Your total investment for this pilot round of Amplify You is $1,000 (or 3 payments of $400).

I believe in AMPLIFY YOU and I’ve seen what it can do for your business (and life).




Eva Van Strijp

Last year, I made the investment in myself and took on a business coach for 6 months. That was a very clarifying experience and Kate McCormack helped me to see my business and passions from a wider-angled lense than the one I'd been using.  Having a coach held me accountable and gave me a sounding board for "crazy" new ideas and insane dreams and really helped me to implement some projects that I'd had on the back burner for a while.

I have long felt a desire to shift my business in the direction of parenting and business resources, but was not sure I could do this through Oz Baby Trends, as this is where I serve my retailers and through them, the consumers who purchase our brands.

Kate gave me the idea of creating a new brand and home under my own name.

At first, I totally resisted. What a crappy thing to do... start a NEW website/brand/business/blog/community/following after all the 8 years of hard work I'd put in to building my other business. And aside from that, how the heck could I create a place to share business AND parenting resources. They're worlds apart!

But I slept on it for about 6 months and then one day, The Organised Housewife accepted a guest blog post from me and I knew I had to do it. It just felt right.

Eva Van Strijp

Pamela Bradford

The work I did with Kate exceeded my expectations, and I can away feeling excited and confident about the future.

I had been plodding along for years without any real plan on how to take my business from A to B. What’s more, I had a secret belief that it was crazy to think I could make a reliable living doing what I love the most – deep down I was expecting to fail. Given all that, it was a miracle it hadn’t fallen in a heap already, but the writing was on the wall. I needed to address the lack of a customer profile and a marketing plan, and I also needed help believing I could be successful. But there was so much on offer out there in terms of coaching that I couldn’t make a decision. So many offering so much, often too much. It was overwhelming. Then along came Kate’s course which addressed only the two areas I knew I needed help with the most – marketing and confidence. I had the added reassurance that Kate has an MBA and years of experience in the field of marketing.

I also felt comfortable with Kate from the second she spoke to me.  I arrived with a bunch of ideas and no idea what to do with them, how to implement them, and generally no clue as to which way forward. I left with clarity, and the realisation that marketing wasn’t as scary and complicated as I had presumed. Within 24 hours I was creating a to do list that included writing my ideal customer profile with a view to investigating targetted marketing, and more importantly I know HOW to do those things! I’m also identifying my financial goals and looking at my pricing to reflect those goals, and thinking about ways to add value to what I already offer.

Also, I had lightbulb moments relating to my mindset that I know will help me push through the self sabotaging and anxiety. The work I did with Kate exceeded my expectations, and I can away feeling excited and confident about the future. I can highly recommend Kate to anyone who doesn’t know where to start in a sea of advice and ideas.

Pamela Bradford, Photographer,

Bethany Steed

Kate epitomises heart-centred marketing at its best.

I have had more momentum in the last fortnight after my one-on-one session with Kate than I have had all year! Kate creates a safe environment to explore ideas and visions whilst providing a gentle nudge in the pants to get things really going. Kate was very helpful with helping me own my story and expressing it in a way that resonates with my target audience. Kate epitomises heart-centred marketing at its best.

Bethany Steed, Owner ,


Ready to leap?


If you know you’ve got what it takes (and I know you do), then jump aboard and let’s get you out there! Let’s amplify you.

I’ve got your back,


p.s. At this stage I am not sure when the next round will be offered until, so don’t delay your dreams. If this feels right, say yes now.



Still got questions?


How is this different to any other eCourse?

This is not an eCourse, this is Group coaching with individual attention.

The only similarity is that the content will be delivered to you online, and that’s where it ends.


How much 1 on 1 connection will I really get from you?

This is a biggie and why I am so proud of what I have created here. You will get:

  • For the first 5 people that sign up there is a 1 on 1 strategy session with me worth $400 – boom!
  • 1 on 1 time in every group coaching call – every person has the chance to ask their own questions during the coaching calls.
  • 1 on 1 time in the facebook group – once again I will be answering all your questions right here, so anything you need to know – just ask!
  • 1 on 1 attention on the work that you submit – each week you will submit your work – yes homework! – and I will provide you feedback on what you have done

So, as you can see, you will get truck loads of individual attention!


Am I at the right stage in my business?

If you are someone who has the framework and beginning stages in place of your business this is right for you. If you have been in business for 12-24 months and are still in that stage of not gaining much momentum or really, let’s face it, making enough money to build a sustainable business this is right for you. Even if you don’t actually have your website up yet this can be right for you – just know that I wont be going through any of these aspects of starting a business in the content, however, I can support and guide you through beginning to build your business at these early stages.


How many people will be doing the course?

So, in the interest of complete transparency – you will learn pretty quickly that this is me all over – as this is my pilot round I have set myself a target of a minimum of 5 people and a maximum of 20. The reason for the minimum number is because I don’t feel I can fulfill my promise of offering “mastermind support from the group” if there is not at least 5 people in the group. If you decide you want to go ahead I won’t be asking for any money until I do reach that minimum target.

Going forward for future rounds the maximum number of participants I will be accepting will increase to 30 people (assuming this business model remains the same and I hope it will!).


Given this is a pilot round do you plan to increase the price going forward?

My intention at this stage is that from the very next round the price will increase by at least 50%. Again, being completely transparent, this is not a 100% given but this is absolutely my intention for this program because it is without question worth double the current $1,000 price point. I can say this with hand on my heart certainty because I have put so much time and thought into planning this and that includes months of research to be certain I am delivering something that will get you the best possible results.


You talk about ‘homework’ but what if I don’t have the time to do this?

Calling it like it is – if you don’t have time to do the work then this is not the right opportunity for you. Of course you can go back once our time together has finished and re-do anything you want to over and over again, but you will get the best possible results by doing the work during our time together and submitting it each week. This is one of the biggest differentiators to the plethora of eCourses you may have already paid for – complete accountability moving you into inspired action!


Is this designed for service providers or people who create products?

Both! The principles of marketing and the mindset are the same for business and brands regardless of what you are selling?


When will the coaching calls be held?

The coaching calls will be held on a weekday morning from 9.30 until needed – usually 1-2 hours. This will like by a Wednesday or Thursday morning and may vary at times due to certain events. You will get plenty of notice on the call schedule.

If for some reason you cannot attend the call one week you can submit your questions beforehand and I will still answer them for you.

A recording will be sent out each week of the call.

If I haven’t answered your question here please get in touch and ask me at

Some more awesome clients:


Marie Schlederer

Kate’s commitment in making sure whoever her client is gets exactly what they need, beyond expectation, no matter how big or small is genuine.

Motivation, Lift Off, and Remembering I am on the right track with my Artistic Career Goals is what I walked away with after working with Kate.

Kate’s personal touch and excitement in creating management and marketing strategies was exactly what I needed to increase my enthusiasm and focus with a business plan for my artistic work. Something I struggle to do for myself as I would rather be busy creating my artwork.

Kate’s commitment in making sure whoever her client is gets exactly what they need, beyond expectation, no matter how big or small is genuine.

Marie Schlederer, Artist,

Michelle Smith

Thanks to Kate I am now on track to realise my dream.

Kate helped me to craft a compelling vision for my business and life and an actionable plan to get me there.  Kate’s expertise in physical product-based brand strategy was exactly what I was looking for in a coach. Thanks to Kate, I’m now on track to realise my dream of a bricks and mortar pop-up shop, and I am excited beyond words.

Michelle Smith, ,

Maddison Vernon

Kate was invaluable to creating the foundations of my business…

Kate’s clarity session was invaluable to creating the foundations of my business. As the leader of your business you know who you want to talk to, your brand and sort of what you bring to the table, but sometimes it can be really difficult to cement exactly what you want in a clear and concise way without outsider help. This is exactly what Kate brought to the table. Working with her gave me so much added clarity and insight into who I am here to serve, and how I can do that. I left the session with so much more confidence in my business and myself thanks to her.

Maddison Vernon, Life Coach,

Bethany Steed

Kate epitomises heart-centred marketing at its best.

I have had more momentum in the last fortnight after my one-on-one session with Kate than I have had all year! Kate creates a safe environment to explore ideas and visions whilst providing a gentle nudge in the pants to get things really going. Kate was very helpful with helping me own my story and expressing it in a way that resonates with my target audience. Kate epitomises heart-centred marketing at its best.

Bethany Steed, Owner ,

Angela Hussey

Thanks to Kate we definitely have a roadmap

We started working with Kate during a time of refocusing and rebranding our business. Marketing was not our strength and we really needed someone to help us get clarity about what we offer and who our target market was. We found the online tutorials really helpful and then to ramp it up a notch we spent some one on one time with Kate where she really challenged us to find the answers and understand how it converts into our marketing and sales strategy. It’s still a work in progress but thanks to Kate we definitely have a road map!

Angela Hussey, Director, Lead Diversity,

Fiona Russell

Kate’s know how and support was invaluable

Kate’s coaching sessions left me feeling supported and so fortunate to have spent time with someone with the experience and knowledge to make my business fly. Kate’s know how and support was invaluable in helping me identify, prioritise and action the necessary steps required to set up my business. Kate, you are professional, knowledgeable, dynamic and an inspiration. Thank you.

Fiona Russell, Life & Style Coach


Naomi Taylor

I highly recommend Kate to anyone who is wanting to improve their business

Thank you Kate. My time with you was relaxed and friendly and jam packed full of information.  I found your questionnaire really made me think about my business in a way that I had not before. And I love how you guided me when I was stuck! Marketing is definitely not my strength and I am so glad that I invested in you. I now have a much better understanding of my business and of my ideal customer. And the few changes I have made are getting results for me already. I highly recommend the Kate to anyone who is wanting to improve their business.

Naomi Taylor, Micro Biz Web Solutions,