I just wanted to write and say thank you so much for being such an amazing coach! I haven’t used a coach before and given I do similar work in the Corporate world I was really worried about whether I would get good value for money, or would it be learning things I already knew. Well I need not have worried at all, by the time I finished our first session I was hooked! Hooked on your knowledge and expertise, hooked on your fantastic personality and ability to bring out the best in me, as well as hooked on the valuable lessons I learn’t for my business, of issues I was too close to see for myself. You have provided me with the confidence, tools, and accountability to go forth and prosper, and I know this will make a significant contribution to my business. With every good wish. Julie
Julie Rainbow, Owner, Clarity Road
I had known for a while that I wanted to work with a business coach, who was knowledgeable and successful in their own right. I also knew, however, that I needed a coach who was heart centred, grounded and approachable.Kate ticked off everything I was looking for. Her Strategy Session is incredibly insightful – and useful. There are many online courses these days, but working WITH someone in your corner is invaluable. I cannot recommended highly enough that your “someone” should be Kate.Thank you, for all your encouragement, support and wisdom. I have no doubt great things are around the corner for me, thanks to you.Fiorella Kis-Major, Owner, The Nourishing Goddess
Kate’s commitment in making sure whoever her client is gets exactly what they need, beyond expectation, no matter how big or small is genuine.
Motivation, Lift Off, and Remembering I am on the right track with my Artistic Career Goals is what I walked away with after working with Kate.
Kate’s personal touch and excitement in creating management and marketing strategies was exactly what I needed to increase my enthusiasm and focus with a business plan for my artistic work. Something I struggle to do for myself as I would rather be busy creating my artwork.
Kate’s commitment in making sure whoever her client is gets exactly what they need, beyond expectation, no matter how big or small is genuine.
Marie Schlederer, Artist, www.marieschlederer.com
3 amazing things came out of working with Kate.First, a complete and total rebrand that is beyond everything I could’ve dreamed of (and that got me my first new client within an hour of going live).Second, a brand new service offering that has become my favourite thing, my most enjoyable offer & my most profitable service supported by killer testimonials.Third, my new Confessions of a Female Entrepreneur podcast that has already interviewed some exciting, BIG names. Yet when I first started with Kate, I told her that I would like to start a podcast “one day” but it was too scary to do right now.That says a lot about my time with her. Kate was like a bravery injection for my business. It makes a huge difference to have someone in your corner reminding you of what makes you great. I did so many things that I would’ve been too scared to do on my own.Honestly, I sometimes got frustrated when working with Kate because it felt like my progress was slow. But Kate didn’t let me get away with that mindset and had to constantly pull me up on my tendency to be far too hard on myself. Mindset coaching was an enormous part of my ability to make progress.Now when I look back on everything we achieved together, it surprises me how different my business looks & feels. That wouldn’t have happened without Kate.Alyssa Martin, Owner & Copywriter, Alyssa Martin
The work I did with Kate exceeded my expectations, and I can away feeling excited and confident about the future.
I had been plodding along for years without any real plan on how to take my business from A to B. What’s more, I had a secret belief that it was crazy to think I could make a reliable living doing what I love the most – deep down I was expecting to fail. Given all that, it was a miracle it hadn’t fallen in a heap already, but the writing was on the wall. I needed to address the lack of a customer profile and a marketing plan, and I also needed help believing I could be successful. But there was so much on offer out there in terms of coaching that I couldn’t make a decision. So many offering so much, often too much. It was overwhelming. Then along came Kate’s course which addressed only the two areas I knew I needed help with the most – marketing and confidence. I had the added reassurance that Kate has an MBA and years of experience in the field of marketing.
I also felt comfortable with Kate from the second she spoke to me. I arrived with a bunch of ideas and no idea what to do with them, how to implement them, and generally no clue as to which way forward. I left with clarity, and the realisation that marketing wasn’t as scary and complicated as I had presumed. Within 24 hours I was creating a to do list that included writing my ideal customer profile with a view to investigating targetted marketing, and more importantly I know HOW to do those things! I’m also identifying my financial goals and looking at my pricing to reflect those goals, and thinking about ways to add value to what I already offer.
Also, I had lightbulb moments relating to my mindset that I know will help me push through the self sabotaging and anxiety. The work I did with Kate exceeded my expectations, and I can away feeling excited and confident about the future. I can highly recommend Kate to anyone who doesn’t know where to start in a sea of advice and ideas.
Pamela Bradford, Photographer, www.pamelabradford.com.au
I started working 1on1 with Kate McCormack when I was at a loss with my business; I had all these ideas for transitioning my business, launching products, working smarter and not harder, but I had no idea on how to get there. I was working way too hard, long hours and saw no way out, I felt completely trapped and on a hamster wheel! The passion I have for my job was still there but my biggest concern was that the way I was operating was not sustainable and I needed a more efficient way to move forward and grow without a) failing, and b) falling in a heap. I needed someone with the skills to manage me and guide me every step of the way, and someone with the experience and knowledge of marketing and business planning, after all, I’m great at what I do, but one the biggest thing I’ve learnt from Kate is to focus on what you’re good at and to outsource the rest! So I found and hired Kate.
Signing up with a Business coach is scary business! I mean, I know what I’m doing right? My biggest hesitation was letting someone in to help take some of the load, control and handover. But after speaking to Kate on Skype I knew she was skilled in areas I knew nothing about. I felt an instant connection with Kate and the way she viewed my goals and jumped in head first, if I didn’t I thought, I’d still be in this position 12months from now, so I thought, just do it! Without getting out of my comfort zone, nothing great is ever achieved.
One of the challenges of working with Kate is her passion, drive and persistence – yes they can be hard work sometimes! Understandably when you are driving forward with goals, you have moments of fear, moments of “what the hell am I doing?! Is this even going to work”. I had written a book, The Hormone Connection, which was gathering dust and I had lost faith that it even had the potential to succeed. I showed it to Kate, and she loved it! I think the words were ‘WOW!”. Her belief in my products and me were so inspiring and not fake. She honestly believes in her client’s ability, but you have to show her you’re hard working. She will push you, sometimes uncomfortably, because you need to exceed and realize your potential. Kate is a perfectionist, and when I thought a task was done, or done enough, she would push me to do it better, do more, or do it right. At times this was tough to hear, especially during launch phase (aka breakdown mode), but now I see the finished product and I get it! Be warned, Kate is very, very honest, because she knows her stuff and wants what’s best for you, your brand and your business. She has an eye for detail and only produces quality products. She will challenge you in the best possible way.
Don’t get me wrong, the last 6 months have been tough, but Kate has this incredible skill of making you feel like a team, being an entrepreneur is a lonely life at times, but no longer was I doing it alone, I actually felt like I had a business manager by my side. She gave me clear direction and a plan, no longer was I aiming blind. I had no idea about marketing and now I feel Kate has opened my eyes. She was on call for me during launch week to calm my nerves and remind me to practice self-care, and supported me through the whole process. Kate will go above and beyond for you as a client.
The success of The Hormone Connection has blown my mind and Kate has me so excited about the future!
Penny Lomas, Owner, Penny Lomas
Thanks to Kate I am now on track to realise my dream.
Kate helped me to craft a compelling vision for my business and life and an actionable plan to get me there. Kate’s expertise in physical product-based brand strategy was exactly what I was looking for in a coach. Thanks to Kate, I’m now on track to realise my dream of a bricks and mortar pop-up shop, and I am excited beyond words.
Michelle Smith, , www.loveaisha.com
Prior to my sessions with Kate, I felt alone and a tad lost in the direction my business was taking. I had made some marketing mistakes and I had paid in not only money but time. Once meeting with Kate I could see the things that I was doing that were wrong and Kate’s knowledge and push in the right direction left me feeling much clearer and ready to conquer.
I found our fortnightly sessions so fulfilling and went home with a stack of new targets to reach in both marketing and business in general. It was also lovely just to have someone to talk to about business and who understood the amount of effort you are putting in and help to celebrate not only the wins but some of the losses to as you learn from them.
After finishing my sessions with Kate I feel as though PIP+COOP is many steps out in front of the pack, I have learnt and implemented things that I would have never known or spent months trying to figure out!
Kate is professional and caring, funny and super switched on! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for guiding me in the right direction, forever grateful Girl!
Cassie Thomson
Kate was invaluable to creating the foundations of my business…
Kate’s clarity session was invaluable to creating the foundations of my business. As the leader of your business you know who you want to talk to, your brand and sort of what you bring to the table, but sometimes it can be really difficult to cement exactly what you want in a clear and concise way without outsider help. This is exactly what Kate brought to the table. Working with her gave me so much added clarity and insight into who I am here to serve, and how I can do that. I left the session with so much more confidence in my business and myself thanks to her.
Maddison Vernon, Life Coach, www.maddisonvernon.com
Kate epitomises heart-centred marketing at its best.
I have had more momentum in the last fortnight after my one-on-one session with Kate than I have had all year! Kate creates a safe environment to explore ideas and visions whilst providing a gentle nudge in the pants to get things really going. Kate was very helpful with helping me own my story and expressing it in a way that resonates with my target audience. Kate epitomises heart-centred marketing at its best.
Bethany Steed, Owner , www.bethanysteed.com
Thanks to Kate we definitely have a roadmap
We started working with Kate during a time of refocusing and rebranding our business. Marketing was not our strength and we really needed someone to help us get clarity about what we offer and who our target market was. We found the online tutorials really helpful and then to ramp it up a notch we spent some one on one time with Kate where she really challenged us to find the answers and understand how it converts into our marketing and sales strategy. It’s still a work in progress but thanks to Kate we definitely have a road map!
Angela Hussey, Director, Lead Diversity, www.leadiversity.com.au
Kate’s know how and support was invaluable
Kate’s coaching sessions left me feeling supported and so fortunate to have spent time with someone with the experience and knowledge to make my business fly. Kate’s know how and support was invaluable in helping me identify, prioritise and action the necessary steps required to set up my business. Kate, you are professional, knowledgeable, dynamic and an inspiration. Thank you.
Fiona Russell, Life & Style Coach
I highly recommend Kate to anyone who is wanting to improve their business
Thank you Kate. My time with you was relaxed and friendly and jam packed full of information. I found your questionnaire really made me think about my business in a way that I had not before. And I love how you guided me when I was stuck! Marketing is definitely not my strength and I am so glad that I invested in you. I now have a much better understanding of my business and of my ideal customer. And the few changes I have made are getting results for me already. I highly recommend the Kate to anyone who is wanting to improve their business.
Naomi Taylor, Micro Biz Web Solutions, www.microbizwebsolutions.com.au
We were very impressed with Kate’s personal and detailed service
We asked Kate to help us define our target market for a new product we were working on. We knew this customer was a different market from our core range but we really needed the help to identify who this market was. We were very impressed with Kate’s personal and detailed service. I especially liked our one on one brain storming session where we were able to let the creative juices flow! We walked away from that meeting with some fantastic ideas that proved very valuable to our overall marketing strategy. Kate had also helped us in the early days to put us on the straight and narrow with our Marketing plan. It’s the small things that really can make all the difference to a very successful business plan.
Bill & Christine McCorkell, Archiblox & The Backyard Room
Kate has removed the fear of marketing our small business
Kate has removed the fear of marketing our small business. I can’t wait to crank up my marketing efforts now that I have a clear direction and a comprehensive plan for our strategies/promotions and activities.
Before Kate’s course I was always googling the search term “marketing plan” looking for the elusive perfect fit for our business. Without the budget to outsource our marketing to a consultancy I was always scratching around making do with my reactive last minute plans. I’ve always felt like I’m running at the back of the pack when it comes to our marketing and strategic activities, forgetting important activities or not allowing enough time to properly implement strategies and promotions. Kate’s course has shown me a new way. A simple structured yet flexible approach to taking control of our businesses marketing plan. Her online course was so easy to fit around my already hectic schedule. Having completed the course at my own pace I now have pages and pages of strategies and plans and most importantly clarity on my ideal clients and products. I have a structured draft marketing plan in place for 2013.
Thanks to Kate I can safely say I feel prepared and excited for marketing my business in 2013. Now bring it on!
Fiona Hunt, Owner, Lifesport, Health & Fitness, www.lifesport.com.au
Kate’s enthusiasm for marketing is a delight
“Kate’s online course came just at the right time for our new business, miss italy. Right at the beginning. Working online with Kate really helped us take a step back and think simply and clearly about our place in the market. After just the first lesson I think it was we understood how essential it is to have an image in our heads about what our target client really looks like and more importantly how they think.
Once we did that things really started to fall into place – and quickly!! And it was fun. Kate’s enthusiasm for marketing is a delight and her constant references and links to new, expert content during the lessons introduced us to some brilliant new ways of thinking about getting our unique message across in the most original way.
A huge thank you Kate!
Fiona and Janine, Miss Italy, www.missitaly.com.au
Kate is fantastic!! I worked with Kate as one on one as my Business Coach for 6 months and I saw huge success and growth in my business! Kate has such a great marketing mind, and was able to get to the real heart and essence of my brand and help me develop communication strategies that felt beautifully aligned with my business, and my message!Through 6 months we focused on both small increments and big picture plans to help my business follow a defined path for development and success and I loved having her as a cheerleader as she held me accountable through times of implementation.I would definitely recommend Kate as a business and marketing coach to anyone who’s looking to take the next step in up-leveling their business. So excited and grateful to have worked with someone so lovely, fun and supportive!Louise Glendon, Photographer, Click Love Grow
Marketing is something I have always left to chance, just doing “random” things when I felt like with with no real plan, or analysis of what worked and what didn’t.
Working with Kate over the last three months has been amazing – I now feel empowered to market my new ideas and products myself with a tailored plan and excited (+ a whole lot less stressed) about launching my new services in the coming months. Although sometimes the illusion is that it is easier to simply pay someone to handle your marketing, working with Kate has helped me realise that the true power is in being able to do this yourself, and tweak things along the way, rather than relying on someone else to do it all. Thank you Kate, your knowledge re business and marketing strategy is incredibly refreshing, and I loved working with you!
Renee Bell, Owner, Photographer, Little Girls With Great Big Dreams
Last year, I made the investment in myself and took on a business coach for 6 months. That was a very clarifying experience and Kate McCormack helped me to see my business and passions from a wider-angled lense than the one I’d been using. Having a coach held me accountable and gave me a sounding board for “crazy” new ideas and insane dreams and really helped me to implement some projects that I’d had on the back burner for a while.
I have long felt a desire to shift my business in the direction of parenting and business resources, but was not sure I could do this through Oz Baby Trends, as this is where I serve my retailers and through them, the consumers who purchase our brands.
Kate gave me the idea of creating a new brand and home under my own name.
At first, I totally resisted. What a crappy thing to do… start a NEW website/brand/business/blog/community/following after all the 8 years of hard work I’d put in to building my other business. And aside from that, how the heck could I create a place to share business AND parenting resources. They’re worlds apart!
But I slept on it for about 6 months and then one day, The Organised Housewife accepted a guest blog post from me and I knew I had to do it. It just felt right.
Eva Van Strijp