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Marketing love

I love marketing.  Seriously!  I love being a smart thinker, being strategic, being thoughtful, and working with creative people.  So many things I don’t know where to start.

Of all the aspects of a business, marketing is the most all encompassing piece of the puzzle. Every single area of the business is on your radar when you are a marketer. You have to think about anything and everything that your customer will experience.  You rarely work in isolation. In the corporate world you are dealing with different departments everyday. As an entrepreneur you totally understand that marketing draws on every aspect of your business.

But do you want to know what the best thing about being a marketer is? The customer. The reason we are in business. It is your job to understand as much as you can about your customers so you know what they want, what they need and what they want to feel. So often I find myself advocating on behalf of this person in a business and helping others see or feel things the way our customers would.  I love being able to do this.  It’s kind of like putting yourself in someone else’s shoes – a lot!

I’m glad I have the capacity to have empathy for my customers because this is such a critical thing in business. You’ve got to get your people. You don’t have to have been them, or have been in the same place they are, you just have to be able to tap into their feelings – empathy.  Critical in business. Pretty much one of the core pillars of good marketing. And you have to be damn sure you’re not just assuming everyone in the world is like you because that’s a pretty big mistake to make.  Respect the differences, embrace them, understand them.

And you know what else I don’t do as a marketer? I never take advantage of my customers. Never think they don’t deserve better. Never try to give them less than what they deserve.  Never think they aren’t smart enough to find a better alternative if I am not giving them the best I possibly can. Never treat them like fools or disrespect them.  It is so important to keep on striving when it comes to your customers, always innovating, making things easier, simpler, stronger, softer – whatever it is make it better, always.  Show them the love.  Just like any good relationship you can’t sit back and think they stop deserving the absolute best you can give them.

Marketers know this. We understand that it takes a lot of work to keep everyone happy in this dance. You have to keep pushing the envelope and finding the next little piece of awesome to give your customers; this journey is so exciting and I love being a part of it with every brand or business I work with.

As my five year old would say, I love marketing so much I want to marry it! 😉

Thanks for reading lovely,



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