Build a Better Business Strategy. A FREE E-COURSE TO HELP YOU WRITE YOUR OWN.

Happy New Year! Marketing off to a flying start for 2013?

You spent the last couple of months of 2012 focusing on your business and marketing planning.  You had it all sorted before you wrapped things up on Christmas Eve, and then went and spent a couple of weeks in the summer sun, or the winter ski-ing, depending where you live.  You were so organised that you totally wound down you forgot about work altogether.  You felt completely in control and knew that when you got back to your business you were going to be in the best place possible.  Does this sound like you?

Big smile – this wasn’t me either!  As you can probably tell by the fact that I am writing my first post for 2013 on Feb 3 AND giving it the title Happy New Year. I have given myself permission not to get all stressed about this.  I have lots of change going on in my life and I am ok with where I am right now.  But you know what I will get it done.

I have spent January focusing on completing The Desire Map by Danielle La Porte and it has been magical. In fact it has been critical to me getting my head around everything I have to do in my life and business to be sure I am in the right place for 2013.  My desired feelings will be the driving force behind everything I do this year so I knew it was so important that I did this before anything.  If you think this sounds like something that could steer you in the right direction right now check it out here. (This is my affiliate link, just so you know.)

Actually, I’m so happy with it I want to share with you my Core Desired Feelings for 2013.  Why not? I want to be as authentic as I can be in my business, and if you know whats driving me maybe it will give you some idea of how I might be able to help you.

core desired feelings 2013

And I plan on kicking some serious goals this year.  Never in my life have I been more appreciative of the fact that I need to work my arse off to achieve what I want to and maintain my laser focus. Pity I haven’t been more appreciative of this at others times actually now that I think about it!

So, don’t be deterred by the fact that you haven’t implemented some super clever strategy from Jan 2 – there is more than enough time to get the year off to a flying start.  Just make sure you start.  If the whole idea of planning for your business for the year is just simply too much then take some time to think about why.  Is it because you weren’t happy with the way things went last year and you are nervous about making the same mistakes? Are you still exhausted and recovering from 2012?   Have you lost some focus or drive? All of these things can be overcome, talk to the right people, give yourself the time you need, don’t pressure yourself to the point where you are frozen on the spot doing nothing at all.  Take some deep breaths, go for a run, do a yoga class, have a glass of Pinot – whatever it is you need to get yourself in the right head space for your planning just do it.

I actually got this advice from an awesome chick in a fab group of female entrepreneurs I belong to last year, it was so simple and to the point and SO what I needed to hear when pondering how to actually get a project off the ground she simply said to me “Kate maybe the answer is to just do it?”  Damn straight it was.  Could this be the answer for you too for 2013?

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Kate xo

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