Build a Better Business Strategy. A FREE E-COURSE TO HELP YOU WRITE YOUR OWN.

Does my business fit with my life?

Does my business fit with my life? Does my marketing reflect whats important to me personally? Am I living my life or someone elses life? Is there a contradiction in what I am doing? Does it jar with me in some way? Do I long for something more?

It is so important to think about your life and what you want when you are thinking about creating, growing or evolving your own business.  What is important to you?  How do you want to feel? What do you want to be known for? What do you want your children to see you as?

If what you are doing everyday somehow conflicts with what you really want to be doing, it’s going to end in tears isn’t it? Now I totally understand that there are things we all do to pay the bills, and that we have to do at times for ourselves & our families that may not be ideal. But what I really want from you is to not let these times be the reason you give up on your dream.

How many of you have found yourself sitting at a desk, in someone elses office. Working for the man. The whole time knowing that you have an idea you know is good. If only you had the time or the money to make it happen. I know I have.

Or maybe you have been on maternity leave. After having your babes you know that going back to that desk is not right for you or your family.  You’ve got a business inside you. You know its good. If only you had the time or money to make it happen.  I know I have.

There are ways & means.  I’m not saying you should sacrifice the mortgage payments to set up your biz. Or pimp yourself out to the highest bidder. 😉 I am saying if you really want this you can do it.  Do the work you have to to pay the bills while you build your business.  But don’t let that be the end.  Make sure it is a means to an end.  And that end is the business you love & the life you want.

Ask yourself about what you really want.  Don’t settle. And don’t let others make you settle because of what they think you should be doing. Yes, you have to be fair. You have comitments, you have family, you have bills.  They can’t just all dissappear while you set up your business, I know that all too well. But you can do what you want, find your focus.

Create your vision. And share it with people that will encourage you on your path to achieving this vision. Put it out there to the universe and let the world know what your intentions are.

And take action! Take action! Take action! Get off your butt and just do it. Don’t wait for perfect. Don’t wait for someone elses approval. Don’t wait for a magic sign or fairy godmother. They are not coming.  If you don’t take action and make shit happen yourself, no one else is going to do it for you.

Yes there is no denying if you have to work to make money, or if you are a full time mum, while you build your business it is going to be hard work. Damn hard. Sometimes so hard you will be thinking or even saying to anyone who will listen “fuck this for a joke I don’t want to do it anymore I just want to go to bed!”

But think about the reasons why.  Think about the life you want.  You will get there – you will absolutely get there.  And it will be so worth it. Your partner, your kids, you friends, your parents, they will all know that when you achieve your business dreams that you are in the right place. Picture yourself there already. Imagine how good it will be.

Even when fear creeps in and puts his hand on your head so you feel like you can’t move, brush him aside and keep on going.

Be Smart. Be You. Stay focsued on the Vision. And live the life you love with the business you create.

Not quite sure if I have written this for you or me today… either way I do believe it’s true for all of us.

Big love,

Kate xo

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