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In business & life – who are your cheerleaders?

I’m doing Michelle Bridges 12WBT right now and loving it, right now, she is my cheerleader.

My mum has been my biggest cheerleader in my life – always cheering me on and telling me I CAN do it.

And now I am the biggest cheerleader for all three of my children.

When he is nervous about his first day at crèche, I am his cheerleader.

When she is learning how to do handstands at gymnastics, I am her cheerleader.

When he is too scared to grab the ball at footy, I am his cheerleader.

When they wake with croup in the night and I tell them it will be ok, I am their cheerleader.

When I do something my kid’s love they tell me I am doing “really good mummy”, they are my cheerleaders.

When I am bringing in some real dough, or nursing a sick babe, my husband is my cheerleader.

When I go to a spin class at the gym, the instructor is my cheerleader.

When I do my shrink session at home Erin is my cheerleader.

When I am down & I need someone to let me complain, my sisters are my cheerleaders.

When I need encouragement and reminders of how awesome I am, my best friends are my cheerleaders.

When I jump in to the online group of fabulous entrepreneurial women I am part of I am surrounded by cheerleaders.

When my assistant at work makes sure a project runs smoothly, has a great idea, or is struggling with something, I am her cheerleader.

When a client comes to me ready to make the big leap I am their cheerleader.

When they show fear and I encourage them to push through it anyway they can I am their cheerleader.

When they are confused I will give them clarity, I am their cheerleader.

When they have a big win I am seriously jumping up and down for them, I am literally their cheerleader.

We need them, and we need to be them.

Who are you cheering for right now? And who are your biggest cheerleaders?

Kate xo

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