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It’s not just women’s intuition

intuition quote #2

When it comes to marketing and business decisions for your business your intuition is like gold.

I believe so much in this that INTUITIVE is one of my core values for my own brand.

Don’t ever discount that feeling based thought you have, your gut feeling, that instant reaction that you have to something you have to make a decision about.  Now I am a big one for making sure that all your decisions around your marketing, business, brand are smart and considered and that you take into account as many relevant factors as you can before deciding anything.  I just know that your intuition can at times be the guiding light you need to steer you in the right direction.

Too many people make the mistake of ignoring their intuition when it comes to business because they think it’s the wrong the to do;  but there is so much power in your instant reaction you should never discount it.  If, when you have considered the facts you need to, you still find yourself wavering or wondering what the right thing to do is, remember how you felt in that fleeting moment when you were first presented with whatever it is that needed your decision making prowess.

How did you feel when your designer showed you the four options of logos for your new brand – which one did you just love, which one made you cringe, which one made you think, well, kind of nothing?

When that person approached you about a potential collaboration what was your very first feeling – like wow that is amazing she wants to collaborate with me, or more like um, no, I don’t think that would be a good fit?

When you had that first discovery session with a potential client did you see all kinds of promise and possibility or did you feel like there is a big mismatch there?

When a retailer approaches you about stocking your product does it feel like the right fit or do you think its just not the right place for your brand to be?

When you find someone you think could be the perfect business or life coach for you do you just know in your heart this is exactly what you need to invest in right now?

Sometimes the answer you need is in those split second moments before too much thought or outside influence creeps in to your mind and starts to cloud what you already knew for sure.

Intuition quote

Don’t forget your gift.

Can you think of  any examples of this from your own business that you would love to share? Because I would love to hear about it!

Kate 🙂

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